June 11, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News, Video by RBN Staff

“Adding fuel to the collapse fire is the recent report from Avery Goodman that the FED, via JP Morgan appears to have bailed out the COMEX with just enough physical gold to meet physical delivery demand on or around June 1st.”

Source: Freedom 4um

2015-06-11 03:35:11 by Horse 

Poster Comment:

Andy Hoffman from Miles Franklin is back to help document the collapse for the second week of June, 2015. And the evidence of collapse is everywhere. This past weekend Anshu Jain and Jürgen Fitschen, Deutsche Bank’s co-chief executives both resigned unexpectedly. With Deutsche Bank holding the second largest derivatives portfolio in the world, second only to JP Morgan, one must wonder if a sudden move in interest rates and Deutsche’s derivatives position is to blame. Adding fuel to the collapse fire is the recent report from Avery Goodman that the FED, via JP Morgan appears to have bailed out the Comex with just enough physical gold to meet physical delivery demand on or around June 1st. The Comex faced net claims of 550,000 troy ounces against only 370,000 registered ounces left in the warehouses. The Comex registered inventory is at an all-time low, and the smoke coming from the warehouse suggests the end is near. We cover that and much more, thanks for joining us.