Appeals Court: Police can violate our rights without fear of being sued

  Source: Mass Private I | by mapi       For those of you that claim we don’t live in a police state, I give you this recent Michigan Appeals Court ruling. In
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Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Kill Non-Threatening People As Long As They Say They Were Scared

  Source: The Free Thought Project | Rachel Blevins The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a police officer who opened fire on a woman from a distance while she stood
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U.S. Supreme Court: GPS Trackers Are a Form of Search and Seizure

  Source: The Atlantic   When the government places a location monitor on you or your stuff, it could be violating the Fourth Amendment. ROBINSON MEYER If the government puts
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Supreme Court to Debate Warrantless Collection Of Cellphone Records in Huge Fourth Amendment Battle

  via: BLACKLISTED NEWS | Source: Activist Post By Derrick Broze In one of the most important Fourth Amendment battles of the digital age, the Supreme Court is preparing to tackle
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Congress Created a Monster

  Source: | By Andrew P. Napolitano Those of us who believe that the Constitution means what it says have been arguing since the late 1970s that congressional efforts to strengthen
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The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

  Source: | Andrew P. Napolitano Last week, The Wall Street Journal revealed that members of the intelligence community – part of the deep state, the unseen government within the government
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Refusing a search is a right, not a provocation

  via: BLACKLISTED NEWS SOURCE: WASHINGTON POST This is just incredible. [Waterbury Conn.] Police Chief Vernon L. Riddick Jr. brought a message of cooperation with police to a mostly African-American
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‘We the Prisoners’: The Demise of the Fourth Amendment

via: | By John W. Whitehead for The Rutherford Institute “Our carceral state banishes American citizens to a gray wasteland far beyond the promises and protections the government grants its other citizens… When the
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Massive Roadblock, Warrantless Searches in Maryland

Source: Easy Bake Gun Club Yesterday was the ATF raiding Ares Arms in California. What never got reported was Tuesday’s massive highway roadblock and car to car searches by armed
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