Missourians could get lifetime concealed carry permits under overhaul of firearms laws

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch | By Kurt Erickson JEFFERSON CITY • Missourians who want a permit to legally carry guns in public could soon have the option of getting one that lasts
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[Language Warning] TJ Sotomayor of TNNRaw eviscerates Obama’s anti-gun policies even suggesting ‘Ban N**gers’ as more effective anti-crime method

New Laws in 2016 Show States Are Diverging on Guns, Voting

NEWSMAX | Friday, 01 Jan 2016 11:33 AM   Laws taking effect at the start of the new year show states diverging on some hot-button issues. Restrictions on carrying guns eased
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IN: Governor signs pro-gun bill into law, protects guns in school parking lots

Source: Guns.com On Wednesday, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed SB229 into law, which changes the way gun laws are enforced in school parking lots. The new law comes from
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