VA State Police Refuse to Rule out Door-to-Door Enforcement of Suppressor Ban

  Source: Tactical S**t According to firearmchronicles Breitbart News called the Virginia State Police and noted Democrats are passing legislation to ban various firearm accessories. We specifically mentioned the suppressor ban
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Virginia lawmakers reject assault weapon ban

  Source: WTOP RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s push to ban the sale of assault weapons failed on Monday after some of his fellow Democrats balked at
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Virginia Democrats Pass Expansive Bill Banning ‘Assault Weapons’

source: A new Virginia law bans so-called assault weapons, including the AR-15, one of the most popular guns in America. It also makes it a crime to possess or transfer
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Are Virginia Politicians Really So Fragile and Delicate They’d Pass a Bill Making It ILLEGAL to Criticize Them?

source: by Daisy Luther There’s a very good reason that Virginia wants to disarm civilians with a rash of new, unconstitutional laws. That’s because they seem to be modeling themselves after
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Virginia Gun Confiscation Bill Pulled as Huge Pro-Gun Crowd Shows Up at Legislature To Protest

source: By Joe Saunders Democrats might wield power in the Old Dominion, but gun rights backers haven’t given up the fight. As lawmakers met Monday to consider a slew of gun
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Virginia State Senator warns pro-2A demonstrators being set up for staged terrorism event on Monday, “Lobby Day” in Virginia… “KILL ZONE” trap constructed by Dems

source: by: Mike Adams (Natural News) According to numerous media reports, all cited here, treasonous Democrats and the radical left-wing terrorism group Antifa are conspiring to stage violence during the Monday
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Lexington And Concord Redux In Virginia

By Chuck Baldwin Tragically, most Americans do not have any idea what it was that actually triggered America’s War for Independence. The primary reason was not “taxation without representation,” or
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Gun, ammunition sales skyrocketing in Virginia as citizens arm up in anticipation of tyrannical gun confiscation efforts by insane, deranged Democrats

source: BY JD HEYES As much as Democrats hate guns, gun rights and the Second Amendment, they are the best marketers and sellers of firearms and firearms accessories around. When
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Virginia Billboards Warn: Northam-Bloomberg Gun Confiscation in 2 Weeks

source: by  AWR HAWKINS Billboards are popping up around Virginia suggesting gun confiscation pushed by Gov. Ralph Northam (D) and backed by Michael Bloomberg is about to take place. The billboards
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First County to Form Militia in Response to New Virginia Gun Laws

  Source: Health and Money News   WILL THE REVOLUTION START IN VIRGINIA? Jim Talbert | The News & Press Dec 3, 2019 Updated Dec 4, 2019 TAZEWELL, Va. — Tazewell County joined
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Virginia Democrats Working On Bill To Confiscate Some Legally Owned Firearms, Report

source: It was only a matter of time after Democrats grabbed all of the power in Virginia for them to begin to enact a radical left-wing agenda. And it should
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Meet VIAB: Virginia’s Taxpayer-Funded Israel Lobby

AntiWar The Virginia-Israel Advisory Board VIAB has one key difference with scores of privately funded state chambers of commerce created to foster closer economic integration between the United States and Israel while supporting the
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Kids in a northern Virginia public school district unknowingly rode a school bus this week that was also carrying “explosives training materials” left behind by the CIA after it conducted
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Virginia Town Rocked By ‘MS-13′ Vandalism Just Days After Illegals Murder High Schooler

The Daily Caller | Christian Datoc Multiple buildings and vehicles in Loudoun County, VA were vandalized with graffiti tags bearing the moniker of a notorious El Salvadorian street gang early
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[DISTURBING FOOTAGE/NSFW] WDBJ7 News Crew murderer posts point-of-view footage of shooting to his Facebook


Rebel recall: Virginians told to turn in Confederate-themed license plates

What’s on your plate? Virginia is targeting 1,691 license plates bearing the Confederate battle flag in a statewide recall that will replace the existing tags with new ones without the
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