Why the Refugee Crisis?
August 31, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
freedom4um.com | Stephen Lendman
Why the Refugee Crisis?
by Stephen Lendman
Thousands of refugees and asylum seekers head for safe havens daily – a human flood entering Europe, risking life and limb to get there. Why?
Washington bears full responsibility. Endless US direct and proxy wars force desperate people to seek safety out of harm’s way.
Numbers fleeing war and destabilized areas are greater than any time since WWII – increasing exponentially as conflicts and chaos rage in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Donbass, Somalia, South Sudan, and elsewhere.
A previous article cited a UNHCR report saying 60 million people were forcibly displaced by end of 2014. Globally one in every 122 people are asylum seekers, refugees or internally displaced persons. More than half the world’s refugees are children.
On August 28, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said over 300,000 refugees and asylum seekers crossed the Mediterranean to reach Europe so far this year – greatly exceeding 2014’s 219,000 total, a human flood likely to approach half a million by yearend, likely hundreds of thousands more in 2016 and beyond.
Thousands of others die or go missing. On August 27, hundreds were feared dead after two overcrowded vessels capsized off Libya’s coast. Dozens of Syrian refugees were found suffocated to death in a truck parked on an Austrian highway – their bodies in a state of decomposition. Other similar horror stories repeat with disturbing regularity.
Statements expressing concern by Germany’s Angela Merkel, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other top world officials ring hollow.
Crisis resolution is obvious – not considered nor will it be. End US orchestrated and led imperial wars. The UN Charter’s pledge “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind” proved empty rhetoric.
America’s record is unparalleled – endless wars at home and/or abroad every year in its history, begun long before the republic’s inception.
After two world wars, never again became endless conflicts – raging today more than any time since WW II, heading recklessly toward possible WW III, a potential humanity destroying nuclear war if launched.
America is a global killing machine, glorifying war duplicitously in the name of peace – its imperial madness taking millions of lives post-9/11 alone.
The business of America is war – part of a deranged culture, a national addiction, a ruthless quest for wealth and power. Bipartisan lunatics infest Washington. Never before has one nation endangered humanity more – threatening possible nuclear war with Russia and/or China – to advance its maniacal quest for unchallenged world dominance, risking mass annihilation to achieve it.
The current US presidential race features an array of imperial warriors – not a peace and stability advocate in the bunch.
Hillary Clinton is a reckless war goddess. Donald Trump wants “the strongest military that we’ve ever had.” Other Republican aspirants support increased defense spending and militarism. Bernie Sanders supports all Obama wars. They exceed the worst of George Bush.
No matter who becomes president in 2017, America’s killing machine will keep raging – ravaging and destroying one country after another, causing an endless human flood of refugees, risking the unthinkable if Russia or China are challenged belligerently – ending life on earth.