Paul Ryan: A Poor Choice for Speaker

American Thinker | Matthew Vadum | October 27, 2015 Contrary to Republican establishment propaganda, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is not reliably conservative.  He has strayed so far from the conservative mainstream that his
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Contact U.S. Legislators with this Full List

Here are links for both the House of Representatives and the Senate members’ emails and phone numbers: Directory of Representatives   Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman,
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Members of the US House of Representatives form task force to combat anti-Semitism worldwide

Source: European Jewish Press Written by Maureen Shamee 24 March 2015 17:08   WASHINGTON (EJP)—Eight members of the US House of Representatives announced the formation of a task-force aimed at
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Pro-Israel Campaign Contributions to U.S. Congress Legislators

Source: Maplight Top Senate Recipients Funded Recipient Amount Mark Kirk $643,598 Mitch McConnell $400,022 Robert Menéndez $341,170 Cory Booker $322,099 Kirsten Gillibrand $295,637 Sherrod Brown $272,551 Harry Reid $267,708 Lindsey
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House approves ‘clean’ debt limit after Republicans drop demands

Source: Reuters The House of Representatives narrowly approved a one-year extension of federal borrowing authority on Tuesday after Republicans caved into President Barack Obama’s demands to allow a debt limit
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