Zika Fear Falters as False Flag Fraud Fizzles

Smoking Gun: 9/11 Hijacker Had Blackwater Phone Number In Notebook

Your News Wire | Sean Adl-Tabatabai Court documents reveal that 9/11 hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui, had a Blackwater training center telephone number scribbled in his notebook. Blackwater are a private American military
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CIA Threaten 9/11 Researchers Who Discover Explosive Evidence

  The CIA have issued legal threats against the film producers of ‘9/11 Press for Truth’ who found explosive evidence of a cover-up regarding the intelligence the agency had.  Producers Ray
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Must-Watch: Ex Marine Goes Crazy, Blows Whistle On Syrian False Flag And Real Agenda

True Activist | Sophie McAdam Ken O’ Keefe is an ex US Marine turned anti-war campaigner who appeared on a Press TV debate called Syria: War of Deception, and absolutely owned his opponent
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Sandy Hook FOIA Killed By Commission

“The FOIA Commission met on July 8 to determine if Wolfgang Halbig’s complaints on false paperwork and missing documents was held in Newtown, Conn. See Wolfgang’s reaction to this blatant
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Jade Helm and the American Massacre

Source: Zen Gardner May 1, 2015 via James Fetzer Blog I’m prefacing my thoughts with this provocative title for a reason. What is being perpetrated on the American people is
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It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control

Source: The Economic Collapse By Michael Snyder, April 30th, 2015 We now have official confirmation that the rioting in Baltimore on Monday was purposely allowed to spiral out of control. 
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False flag fails: A new paradigm shift?

Source: Freedom 4um by Tatarewicz 2015-04-18 07:00:31 PressTV… What will Bibi Netanyahu do?   Bibi is fanatically opposed to any P5+1 deal with Iran. But P5+1 leaders, and Iranian leaders, have
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FDR Knew War with Japan Coming 12 Days Before Attack — The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable

Source: Lew Rockwell By Bionic Mosquito March 7, 2015   In his book, The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable, George Victor addresses the several questions regarding Pearl Harbor: did U.S. Intelligence
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Stephen Lendman: Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag?

Source: Dead Constitution Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? by Stephen Lendman Fear-mongering is sinister. It’s reprehensible. It’s longstanding US policy. So are false flags. Merriam-Webster calls them “deliberate
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What Will Happen When the Dollar Collapses?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Will It Be a False Flag Attack Or a Currency Collapse? Hitler initiated a false flag event and burned down the Reichstag to gain
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Anonymous Releases Email Allegedly Detailing Western Backed False Flag in Ukraine

Source: The Anti Media A post was made on the Russian website ‘Live Journal’ on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, by a profile titled Андрей Споров (Andrey Sporaw), containing documents detailing
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Nuclear Power Plants Will Become America’s Extinction Level Event

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network On April 11, 2014, I received a communication from a reader, who is a nuclear power plant employee, that warned me about an impending
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The Catastrophic Impact of a Chinese EMP Attack Upon America

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network In 2010, an executive summary from the Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission,warned that an EMP would destroy the power grid, or at minimum, would seriously
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Barack Obama: The Last American President

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face-forever.” George Orwell I have reported on various aspects
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Who Was Behind the Syrian Sarin ‘False Flag’ Attack?

Source: Anti War It’s in somewhat dubious taste to start off a column by saying “I told   you so,” but in this case that’s the shortest and indeed only way
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The Five Factors Needed to Enslave a Nation

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network “America, the most free nation on earth? Terrorists hates us because of our freedom”?  Really? I can barely type these words without laughing hysterically.
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Why Is the Government Reconstituting Deadly Viruses?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network There are several very disturbing events presently taking place in the United States with regard to pandemic preparations and what could very possibly be
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If John Kennedy Had Lived

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Anyone who has studied history knows that the life of a nation as well as its citizens can turn on a dime. On November
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The Chinese Military Will Be Knocking At Your Door

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network The Chinese military, they are here on our soil because they care. We already know that the United Nations is preparing to seize your
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